Collaboration Projects
Past, Present and Future
Currently Mama Siesta is working with numerous partners as it´s where our ethos and design inspiration comes from. We intend to play as much of a role in the preservation of the world as possible. Virunga National Park, the oldest national park in Africa, sitting in the Democratic Republic of Congo have joined forces with us to make a difference for the future. There are only 880 Mountain Gorillas left in the wild, about one quarter of which live in Virunga. Mama Siesta is founded on what the protection a mother Gorilla is to her baby, and the earth, it is our logo, it defines us. Virunga are involved in such a historical period of preservation that it is an honour to contribute at any capacity. Please Keep up to date with our blog as we write and work more extensively with Virunga.
In addition to Virunga, we are currently involved with Sea Shepherd in an effort to save our seas and the pandemic of over fishing, illegal fishing, plastic, pollution and nets that infest our beautiful oceans. We will work tirelessly with our partners to help rid our seas of anything negative and harmful, to make sure our oceans are as idyllic as they deserve to be.
Protect the future
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